The mode of Christ's presence under the eucharistic species is unique. It raises the Eucharist above all the sacraments as "the perfection of the spiritual life and the end to which all sacraments tend." In the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist "the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained." This presence is called "real," by which is not intended to exclude the other types of presence, as if they could not be "real," too, but because it is presence in the fullest sence - that is to say, it is a substantial presence by which Christ, God and man, makes himself wholly and entirely present. (CCC 1374)
Parishioners and visitors are welcome to come and pray quietly before the Blessed Sacrament any time between 7am and 6:30pm every Monday. During Lent we have adoration from 3-6pm on Fridays. All visitors are welcome. Please observe monastic silence during adoration.
Scheduled Guardians are adorers who have committed to spend an hour in adoration at a specific time each Monday. At least four Scheduled Guardians are present with the Blessed Sacrament at all times. When a Scheduled Guardian is unable to adore as scheduled, s/he contacts our coordinator, Robin Martin, who will secure a sub. Subs should be committed to answering phone calls and text messages from the coordinator.