All Sacristans, Lectors, Communion Ministers, Ushers and Greeters: If you are currently serving in a liturgical ministry or would like to join one of these ministries and begin serving, please attend!
Saturday, January 25, 2025
9am - 11am
What do these ministries do?
Sacristans help get things ready for Mass - they prepare the altar and sacred vessels used at Mass, light the altar candles, place the books used at Mass on the altar, and clean and store the vessels after Mass.
Lectors are the assigned "readers" of the Scripture during Mass (with the exception of the Gospel).
Communion Ministers
Communion Ministers assist in administering the sacrament of Holy Communion, the consecrated bread and wine. They may also take the sacraments to those who are ill or otherwise unable to attend Mass. Communion Ministers are selected by the pastor. So while this is not a ministry you can volunteer to join, please let us know if you would like to be considered.
Ushers are responsible for things like seating Mass attendees, taking up collections, bringing forth the gifts at the Offertory, and handing out bulletins after Mass.
Greeters welcome everyone to our church and may pass out the weekly liturgy sheets.
We will begin in the atrium with a continental breakfast and opening remarks, followed by breakout sessions for each ministry. Training will wrap up by 11am. Please let us know if you're able to attend.