Christ the King uses print and email to inform parishioners and ministry participants of news and events.
Sunday Bulletin
The Sunday bulletin is distributed at the weekend Masses and is the primary print venue for news and events in the parish. To advertise on the back of the Sunday bulletin, please contact Javier Aguilera at 512-694-4989 or [email protected]. Bulletin content submissions should be directed to Shannon Moad at [email protected] by noon on Thursday, the week prior to publication. Submissions are accepted as space permits and are subject to editing. Graphics are appreciated and used if space permits.
CK Crier
The CK Crier is our weekly electronic publication and our prime source for distributing weekend resources and information on upcoming events, programs and news. Subscribers receive the CK Crier every Friday. Content submissions should be directed to Shannon Moad at [email protected]. Submissions are accepted as space permits and are subject to editing. Graphics are appreciated and used if space permits.
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