The St. Lawrence Ministry helps people who are in need of emergency assistance with food, clothing, furniture, utility bills, rent, prescriptions, etc. Members meet twice a month for prayer and consultation regarding the requests for assistance. If you know of someone in our parish area who needs help, please give them the phone number to our assistance hotline: 405-242-4590.
Christ the King’s St. Lawrence Ministry has a critical need for more caseworkers. Please consider helping those in need who live within our parish area. We are always taking non-perishable food items and toiletries, and people who can volunteer a day or two a month to handle the requests recorded on our helpline. All work can be done from home with the use of a phone and the internet. You will be given adequate resources and training until you feel comfortable handling a request yourself. For more information, please contact SLM coordinator John Snodgrass at [email protected].